Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Making Changes!

Recently I've been searching for a new job, I currently work at a fast food place and although I used to be primarily on front register they started putting me on back window and I do not like it. I started looking for a new job mainly though so I could potentially make more than minimum wage. I ended up applying to a few different places, and one of those places was Sheetz. Sheetz is a fast paced gas station/convenience store/food place which isn't much different from fast food in retrospect but they pay above minimum wage. $8.25 per hour starting out to be precise, so just a little bit more than I make now. I read reviews and they have really nice benefits and quarterly bonuses so I figured hey, better benefits and pay for about the same thing I'm doing now? Why not? 

I was called on Sunday and set up an interview for yesterday (Tuesday) and it went incredibly well! The woman offered me the job right on the spot! She was very impressed that  I had brought my resume and knew a little about the company and said that usually no one does. So she asked if I thought Sheetz was for me, and I decided to go for it. I went to get drug tested right after (standard procedure, i'll obviously pass since I have never done drugs lol) and she said they will probably get the results hopefully by sunday and then she will call and set up a time when I can come in for training and such. 

It makes me nervous to put my two weeks in at my current job though because I've never put my two weeks in anywhere before so I don't really know how it will go. They will probably try and guilt trip me into staying because they do that sometimes and I just don't want to deal with any of that. Then, I'm worried that I won't get as any many hours as I do now... I mean I'm sure I will get a decent amount of hours, it just worries me that I might not. Plus I'm worried that I might possibly hate working there, what if it's worse than my current job is? My current job is tolerable on a good day but some days are awful. I'm going to be making a bit more money though and will have better benefits and it did have mostly positive employee reviews...

I will have to just see how it goes though, as they say, "you'll never know if you never try" I'm hoping for the best!

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